Guava juice is healthier than most fruit juices, including apple and orange juice! But sadly, this exotic fruit juice is less known, leading many people to choose less nutritious, more sugary fruit juices over it. Here are a few fruit juices that aren’t as healthy as guava juice.
Most people have a glass of fruit juice in the morning – usually orange juice. They think they’re doing their health a favor, which is true. But they don’t realize there are healthier fruit juices out there – like guava juice. Guava juice is actually healthier than many popular fruit juices.
If you’re one of those who enjoy a glass of fruit juice once a day, here are some that you should switch for guava juice and why:
1. Guava Juice Has More Vitamin C Than Orange Juice But With Fewer Calories
Orange juice is known for its vitamin C content. When you need vitamin C to fight off a cold or scurvy, you’re quick to go for the OJ. But did you know that guava juice would have five times more vitamin C than orange juice (if you assume they use the same amount of guava as oranges in one glass of fruit juice)?
And if the same number of guavas are used as the number of oranges in one glass of fruit juice, then a glass of guava juice would also have about half the calories of a glass of orange juice!
Guava juice also has more vitamin A than orange juice, and twice the amount of vitamin E. Guava juice has vitamin K, while orange juice does not. But orange juice does have more B vitamins than guava juice.
Choose guava juice if your reason for drinking orange juice is primarily to get vitamin C.
2. Guava Juice Has More Vitamin A Than Apple Juice With Half the Calories
If apple juice is your thing, you should know guava juice is better. One glass of guava juice has over three times the amount of vitamins A, B3, B6, and C as one glass of apple juice. It also has about 20 percent more magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamin E than one glass of apple juice.
If you’re anemic, one glass of guava juice has twice more iron than one glass of apple juice.
But if you’re looking for vitamin K, guava juice falls behind because one glass of apple juice has about four times more vitamin K than one glass of guava juice.
3. Guava Juice Has More Vitamin E Than Pineapple Juice With Less Than Half the Calories
If you make your own pineapple juice and use the same amount of fruit as you would to make guava juice, then guava juice would come out nutritionally on top. One glass of guava juice would have 400 percent more vitamin E than one glass of pineapple juice. But that one glass of guava juice would have only about 45 percent of the calories of the glass of pineapple juice.
One glass of pineapple juice would also have less than a third of the vitamin A in one glass of guava juice. One glass of guava juice would also have almost twice more vitamin C than one glass of pineapple juice. One glass of guava juice would also have more rare, but essential nutrients that your body needs, like zinc, copper, and selenium. Your body uses these three elements to bolster your immunity, protect you from toxins, and other important daily biological processes.
One glass of guava juice would also have a bit more vitamin K, phosphorous, and potassium than one glass of pineapple juice.
But one glass of pineapple juice would surpass guava juice when it comes to select key nutrients. It would have up to about 200 percent more B vitamins. It would also have 10 times the manganese content and over three times more calcium and iron.
Depending on which nutrients you’re going for, you’d probably be getting more from one glass of fruit juice by choosing guava juice over pineapple juice – and you won’t take in as many calories too!
4. Guava Juice Blows Cranberry Juice Nutritionally Out of the Water
Cranberry juice is a favorite among all ages – it’s probably one of the most popular fruit juices. But did you know guava juice is many times more nutritious? If you use the same amount of fruit to make a glass of cranberry juice as you would guava juice, that glass of guava juice would have about 26 percent less calories and almost five times as much vitamin A and about 10 times as much vitamin C.
One glass of guava juice would also have six times more vitamin B3 and over 25 times more folate than one glass of cranberry juice. It also would have more calcium and about twice more magnesium and potassium. It would also have more phosphorous.
But cranberry juice would have four times more manganese, three times more iron and vitamins E and K than guava juice. Except these select nutrients, one glass of guava juice would have more nutrients in multiples compared to one glass of cranberry juice.
5. Guava Juice Is on Par With Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice is another household favorite – mostly enjoyed by older generations. This fruit juice actually holds its ground to guava juice in terms of nutrition. It’s actually richer than guava juice when it comes to protein because it has almost 300 percent more if the same amount of fruit is used. Pomegranate juice also has about 40 times more vitamin K, and more than three times more vitamin E than guava juice.
But guava juice has vitamin A, while pomegranate juice does not. It also has about five times more vitamin C than pomegranate juice.
On the other hand, pomegranate juice is far richer in B vitamins than guava juice. It also has about twice more calcium and magnesium. It also has eight times more iron and a lot more phosphorous, potassium, and the rare nutrients copper, manganese, and selenium.
Both guava juice and pomegranate juice are top options for your daily glass of fruit juice. Depending on which nutrients you want more of on the particular day, you can switch between the two!
6. Guava Juice Has Over 10 Times the Amount of Folate Than Grape Juice
Grape juice is a cult favorite of children and many adults. But it too is nutritionally blown away by guava juice. If the same amount of fruit is used in one glass of grape juice as one glass of guava juice, the glass of guava juice would have about 30 percent more protein and over four times the amount of vitamin A, all while still having less than half the calories. It would also have about 10 times more vitamin C and folate.
That one glass of guava juice would also have about three times more vitamin B3 and selenium than the glass of grape juice. It would also have about 25 percent more magnesium.
But one glass of grape juice would have almost 18 times more vitamin K than guava juice and a lot more B vitamins (except B3 and folate). It would also have about 30 percent more calcium and five times more iron. It would also have a bit more phosphorous and potassium.
If your usual is grape juice, switch to guava juice to take in more nutrients — unless you’re looking for the specific nutrients that grape juice has more of.
7. Guava Juice Has More Nutrients Than Coconut Juice
Everyone enjoys coconut juice once in a while. It has a clean, sweet taste. But did you know guava juice tastes sweeter and has a ton more nutrients, but far less calories? If the same fruit is used in one glass of guava juice as in one glass of coconut juice, the glass of guava juice would have more than 500 percent less calories and over 300 percent more vitamin A.
That one glass of guava juice would also have over 100 times more vitamin C, about 14 times more vitamin K, and four times more vitamin E. It would also have more vitamin B6, three times more vitamin B3, and over 200 percent more folate.
When it comes to minerals, the glass of guava juice would have 10 times more iron and about 30 percent more calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
But coconut juice still has some redeeming qualities over guava juice when it comes to some rare nutrients. That glass of coconut juice would have five times more zinc, 200 percent more copper, seven times more manganese, and over 10 times more selenium. It also would have about twice more phosphorous.
Based on these nutritional comparisons, guava juice is the winner and should be your choice of fruit juice if you usually enjoy coconut juice. If you’re trying to get more essential rare nutrients, like selenium, eat two Brazil nuts instead with your guava juice. They certainly have fewer calories than a glass of coconut juice, but with a wealth of copper, selenium, zinc, and manganese.
If you drink any of these fruit juices, switch to guava juice today! But if you’re looking for specific nutrients that are lacking in guava juice, then stick to your regular fruit juice. But if you’re looking to slim down, one glass of guava juice always has fewer calories than a glass of any of these fruit juices (if the same amount of fruit is used).